As I post this, there are only about 2.5 hours left of 2020, and let me say, this has been a fantastic year for me! Yes, there’s been all the fear mongering with the Corona-chan scare, yes, Masses and the sacraments and religious services in general were withheld from their flocks when it was of the utmost importance to keep up those sources of spiritual strength in a time of great stress, yes, there’re the BLM riots, yes, there’s the widespread compliance test that is the face mask and the isolation and propaganda that is calls for social distancing, and have you been keeping up with the election situation? #Bidenlost, btw. And, yes, there are all those poor people who are losing their jobs and the increase in depression and a whole bunch of terrible things. However, in the face of all this chaos, let me ask you one thing: what did you do about it?

Did you sit on your coach, glued to your tv screen, listening to the devil and his wizards talk about how terrible and scary the world is and how we’re in a crisis that is totally unprecedented, totally worth all the fear and horror, and don’t you dare go on living your life and and doing something spiritually fulfilling? Or, did you see this as an opportunity and make something of it?

Never let a crisis go to waste, they say. And I agree.

So, during this year of our Lord 2020, I:

Self-published my first book

You should read it, btw. You can find the link on the “Books” page up in the right-hand corner. Yes, that one.

Expanded my garden

Learned how to pickle

I don’t even really like pickles, but, hey, it’s a skill.

Read. A lot.

Feel free to ask about any of these in the comments

Passed 150,000 typed words in one of my writing projects

And not everything written has been typed up yet, and it’s only book 1/3, so….

Got stuck on my 150,000+ writing project, so decided to do some world-building on a different project

Oh, look, a map! 😀

Which led to an outline

Which turned into a novel

And its sequel

And on top of all that, I prayed, went back to Mass, eventually started going to daily Mass (should have started going earlier than November, but still, eventually did), revamped my website, made Christmas cookies, mailed Christmas cookies and cards, stayed connected with friends both in person and through text/internet, had both Thanksgiving and Christmas with my family, supported causes and projects I value, and just had a good time.

Was this year hard? In some ways, yes. Were there struggles and tears and periods of angst and causes for depression and stress? Of course. It was a year, and I lived it. Those times tend to happen when you live, and by God’s grace, those times were no worse or only slightly worse than they would be any other year for me. Was there time wasted? Could I have done more with this year? Again, of course. But I’m glad for what I did do. I’m grateful I got the time I did. I’m grateful for 2020 and the opportunities it presented, and while I pray for those who are truly struggling and hurting, and I hope for the end of this craziness for their sake, I don’t regret or hate this year. There was simply too much good that came of it, and I thank God for this momentous year of 2020.

Onward, my friends. 2021 and all its hardships and struggles and potential and opportunities await!


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